Who we are - Partner Profiles

We are 3 partners from around the globe. Among us we speak 9 languages, we have lived and worked in nearly 50 countries, we have held 28 top team positions, have served over 50 companies and have lead or supported over 100 change projects. Our hands on experience is not easily matchable.

Luiz A. Heeren, Managing Partner

Expertise: General Management, Mergers and Acquisitions, Finance

Region: Brazil, Latin America and Europe

Luiz Heeren started his career in 1976. He worked for 25 years in British American Tobacco (BAT) in a number of chairman, general manager and finance roles in BAT Operating Companies across the UK, Argentina, Peru, Ecuador, Paraguay, Uruguay, Poland, South East Europe, the Balkans and Brazil (Souza Cruz). During this period, he also worked in BAT’s M&A area and was responsible for significant investments across the world. Before joining BAT, he worked in several public and government institutions in Brazil (i.e. investment and development banks, government statistics, stock exchange, consultancy and holding co.). Before joining InReach Global Consulting he was a partner at Base Capital Partners and CEO of Group IMG based in Lisbon (Portugal).

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Carlos Coutinho, Partner

Expertise: Sales, Trade Marketing and Distribution

Region: Brazil, Americas, Europe, Africa and China

Carlos built a corporate career at British American Tobacco. Previously he served the Brazilian Army for 6 years as artillery’s officer. In a career that spanned nearly 42 years and started in Souza Cruz in Brazil, he held senior executive positions as Trade Marketing and Distribution Director and went on to serve on 3 Boards, work in fifteen countries and live in seven.

In more recent years, Carlos has also worked as an independent consultant, specialised in Trade Marketing and Distribution, prior to join InReach Global Consulting.

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Dhammika Premarathna, Partner

Expertise: Manufacturing, Supply Chain and Change Management

Region: Canada and Asia Pacific

Having started as a Graduate Trainee in Volkart Brothers, a Swiss international company, Dhammika’s corporate career began in British American Tobacco and spanned across multiple cultures in four continents over 20 years. He was Regional Head of Operations/Supply Chain (VP) - Asia Pacific, Regional Program Manager-Africa & Middle East, Area Supply Chain Director - South East Asia, Operations Director - Singapore, Indonesia and Sri Lanka and had working stints in UK, USA and Belgium. He was also a member of Global Operations/Supply Chain Leadership team and the Asia Pacific Regional Leadership Team.

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